, arafat2019, DIRECT, 560544, RESELLER, pub-6282801281028626, RESELLER, f08c47fec0942fa0, 1888, RESELLER, 10475, RESELLER

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Re-registration sim Offer on Airtel Up to 3GB bonus

Airtel brings special data bonus offer on recharge.


  1. Prepaid customers of Airtel Bangladesh will be eligible for this offer, according to the following modality:
    • Customers will re-register through biometric process
    • Customers will get an acknowledgment SMS upon successful biometric registration
    • After successful re-registration customers will recharge tk.19 within 7 (recharge+6)days
    • Up to 3GB bonus will be posted on a random basis


  1. Recharge amount will go to customer's Main Account
  2. The random data bonus will be rewarded only once to a customer during the campaign period.
  3. Bonus will be posted within 48 hours, and can be used 24 hours. Validity will be 3 (posting +2) days
  4. Customers will get an acknowledgement SMS upon successful bonus posting, checking code for bonus will be *778*33#
  5. For 3GB, posting will occur in 3 monthly installments of 1GB.
    • Each 1GB will be have a validity of 3 (posting +2) days.
    • Customers will have to use tk. 30 in 1st and 2nd month since the first 1GB posting to get the 2nd and 3rd installment of 1GB data bonus.
    • If a customer does not use tk.30 in 1st month, but uses the amount in 2nd month, they will be eligible for the 2nd 1GB installment.
  6. Customers who have re-registered before 21st March 2016, or new acquisition customers are excluded from the offer

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